After many years of working as the Swiss representative of Hystra, and contributing as such significantly to its growth, expansion and impact, LeFil Consulting has reached a critical mass of knowledge and client base and is spinning off officially as a stand-alone mission-driven consultancy.

While we are excited to be able to build on the expertise we gained on the past years, we want to make sure we are not only ‘another kid on the block’. There are already plenty of excellent consultancies, more or less focused on what interests us. What we want to do is challenge ourselves, as much as our clients often need to do to deliver truly sustainable impact. There are three ideas in particular that we want to explore at LeFil in the coming year, in addition to delivering outstanding results for our clients:

  • New ways to harness young people, their energy, idealism and urgency – in our teams, in our thinking, and in our focus. The credo behind LeFil resonates with them and we need to find creative approaches to include them.
  • New ways to share information, in a way that is more directly actionable and inspirational. We know how to present complex data and write insightful reports for practitioners, but need to improve at sharing it in engaging and relevant ways.
  • New ways to leverage our networks. Capabilities to make LeFil’s contribution great exist globally: the experts, practitioners, partners, entrepreneurs we regularly work with can bring so much distinctiveness to our services. We do great consulting, but they can help us think and deliver in new, better ways.